With over 12 years-experience in designing and implementing automated trading platforms, Hydra Lynx is an ideal technology and capability partner to take your automation to the next level.

Our solutions team based in Madeira designs and builds custom platform solutions using state of the art technology. All solutions are comprehensively backtested against an advanced tick database, incorporating actual macro-economic events.

Assistance is provided at every step of the journey, ensuring your go to market plan is seamless and stress free. In the event you require hosting solutions, Hydra Lynx has access to low latency data centres at competitive industry rates.

High quality

We guarantee our solutions are of the highest quality, utilising comprehensive and robust code libraries. A complete set of test results are delivered with every solution.

Keeping your customers happy

Your customer’s happiness is a measure of our success, and at Hydra we understand that fast, accurate and defect free automation is the highest priority.

A transparent Refund policy

All our delivered solutions come with a guaranteed refund if the delivered product does not deliver on your approved specification.